17th NTRCA Written Exam Result 2022-23 Published (রেজাল্ট প্রকাশিত)
17th NTRCA Written Exam Result 2022-23 Published Date: After applying the circular NTRCA candied passed some steps and then they pass the main step called Written exam. And after the exam they excited to get NTRCA written exam result for the reason they want to know the Published date of the NTRCA exam.
According to NTRCA Authority announce the 17th NTRCA Written Exam Result will be Publish as soon as possible. But it will be able to February 2023.
Non-government teacher’s registration and certification authority (NTRC) is a part of the ministry of education of Bangladesh that announces their needy candidate and teacher for school and college every year.
NTRCA selects the best teacher under government. Though it is called non-government, it has no big difference from the direct government. বেসরকারি শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন ও প্রত্যয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষ (এনটিআরসিএ) gives also the salary by the government fund some organization by MPO system.
Why Should Apply for the NTRCA Circular
Every year many new schools and collage are built and they apply to the government to pay their payment every month. This is called the MPO system under government indirectly and a little different from government school and college. And for this the ministry of education visits, and if they think that is suitable and it is a necessity for that place they allow the application and pay all employees of the institution.
Due to this system, every year need many teachers, Clarks, etc. employee and the government pay per month for this. And now for the organization of under MPO list institute, the NTRCA publish their rules and when they need the new candidate and teacher for the school. It is also called the secondary and higher education division, ministry of education (মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চশিক্ষা বিভাগ, শিক্ষা মন্ত্রনালয়)
Under NTRCA (বেসরকারি শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন ও প্রত্যয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষ) they take a huge number of teachers by examination when they need more teacher for secondary and higher education in Bangladesh.
If you need a government job and want to be a professional teacher and you love the teaching profession it is for you. It is a great chance for you to be a teacher by the government of Bangladesh and make money by teaching with respect because teaching is a respectful profession too in every country.
To get the job without the wrong way and under black money, in this respectful place though it is not possible to be a teacher under NTRCA not passing all examinations like Preli, written and viva exam.
And so, kindly be an honest teacher and teach our new generation with good character and proper knowledge by your gathered knowledge and friendly behavior with your honesty. And for this, please study first for the NTRCA exam and attend the MCQ, general knowledge, all about the exam according to the syllabus and your capacity.
If you apply for the post so know first at details about NTRCA or Non-government teacher’s registration and certification authority (বেসরকারি শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন ও প্রত্যয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষ (এনটিআরসিএ) under secondary and higher education division, ministry of education (মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চশিক্ষা বিভাগ, শিক্ষা মন্ত্রনালয়) 2023.
17th NTRCA Written Exam Result 2022-23
17th NTRCA written exam result in 2022-23 has been published under the Non-government teacher’s registration and certification authority (NTRC) 2023 exam. Recently NTRCA written exam result 2023 has been published on the official website www.ntrca.teletalk.com.bd. If you are a candidate for the NTRCA written exam result in 2023, your result is available right now.
NTRCA written exam result in 2023 is also our website without moving everywhere. you can get NTRCA written exam result 2023 on ongoingbd.com with the government online portal. NTRCA written exam result Preli result 2023 is here also for you.
NTRCA written exam result and Preli result 2022-23 is in here today. You also can get able to your viva NTRCA written exam result 2023 on the site. Teaching is normal but the best profession for all time. Non-government teacher’s registration and certification authority (NTRC) has announced the date of NTRCA written exam result 2023 and now they have already published the NTRCA written exam result 2023.
NTRCA has published its selection result for the next viva examination round 2023 today. we have also shared and published by our website for your helping. So to get your result directly and take your NTRCA written exam result 2023 on your hand as an original copy go below and collect your NTRCA written exam result original 2023.
17th NTRCA Written Exam Result Published Date 2022-23 Online
NTRCA written exam result in 2023 for you if you would attend the NTRCA written exam under the Non-government teacher’s registration and certification authority (NTRC). The NTRCA written exam is controlled by the NTRC and the job authority of Bangladesh arranges this in every year for taking the best employee for the best post. The NTRCA Wants to take good and Merrit person for the important government teaching post to teach the students undergraduate in the best manner as a usual institutional study.
the NTRCA written exam result 2023 will publish probably on October to November in 2023. We are not sure when the NTRC will publish the NTRCA written exam result 2023 because of the NTRCA exam and the result is not the academic education exam.
NTRCA written exam is not held at the same time in every year like the SSC, HSC or higher education. And the Government job circular, exam date, exam result is not for a fixed time. So it is variable and in any time the authority can change the date. so whenever we can know, we will publish the NTRCA written exam result on here.
Generally, the common and a large number of the educated citizen of Bangladesh get the teaching job under NTRC. After passing all exams, you can allow as a teacher with the candidate selection part by the three steps (03 steps) under NTRCA. these are
- 1st is the Preli exam with multiple-choice questions (MCQ)
- 2nd step is a written exam what the big part to many candidates
- And the last is the viva exam.
The all NTRCA written exam result 2023 for you like Preli, written, and viva exam result of NTRCA written exam result 2023 will be published on the website must.
NTRCA written exam result 2023 is already on your hand. The NTRCA written exam result authority has published right now. As you are in our door to look for your NTRCA written exam result 2023 you have got it already. Be sure, there is no fault. whenever the result NTRCA written exam result 2023 will be published you can see your result to us.
Here is your NTRCA written exam result 2023. Click only one time here to see your NTRCA written exam result 2023 directly in detail and shortly the NTRCA written exam result is published on 00/00/2023.
17th NTRCA Written Exam Result Notice 2023 – ntrca.teletalk.com.bd
NTRCA written exam result Date 2023 is not published yet. After publishing the NTRCA written exam result, you can able to see on this web at that time. The written exam date maybe October 2023 it is not fixed by the government.
In the previous NTRCA exam result notice, we may hope NTRCA written exam result Written Exam Date 2023 also publish between 8 of October to 30 of October 2023. The NTRC authority recently will publish the NTRCA written exam result notice Date 2023.
After getting this NTRCA written exam result notice, you will get with details at that time and you are passed or fail and your performance also. You can check your result or exam date on this website.
To be 100% sure and confirm to avoid fault news or information go here and see on your eyes directly the notice is published or not on ntrca.teletalk.com.bd.
How to Download 17th NTRCA Written Exam Result 2023
If you think how to check and download your NTRCA written exam result 2023 on online or mobile to stay with me for a moment, it is for you.
If your NTRCA written exam result 2023 will publish then you can see your result. Otherwise, you can not download your results on your NTRCA account. Now the age is technology based age. For this, we can many things on stay homes like online job or task. Bangladesh is also advanced and grows it day by day and it benefits you and me and we all can see our result and document online.
So we are able to collect our results now via the internet and mobile phone. So you think but why? As you do not know How to Check NTRCA written exam result 2023 by Online & Mobile SMS read more and follow us.
There are two methods for you to see your NTRCA written exam result 2023 and you can solve your question How to Check NTRCA written exam result by Online & Mobile SMS. The two methods are online and offline but you must take the help of technology and cost a little.
You can use your handset for getting your result or computer or laptop with the internet or a simple mobile phone it can be an analog mobile phone with a sim card and have a little money. so read the details for proper guidelines with successful results.
Via the internet (Mobile, Computer)
If you have a smartphone or computer with an internet connection it is the best way for you. You can see your NTRCA written exam cadre result 2023 as well as download and print a copy of your result. For this, you must have a proper net connection and click below to download the result.
It is noticeable that the government site of Bangladesh is not so fast yet. When many people search and enter the web, the government website can not take the load and make an unbelievable jam on the internet. so when you will face and suffer this, don’t worry, wait for a long time or come with us to fast browse and get the result.
The NTRCA (বেসরকারি শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন ও প্রত্যয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষ) publish the NTRCA written exam result as a PDF file. You have to download the NTRCA written exam result 2023 pdf format then you will print a copy. We have published the pdf result here too. Go below and download the NTRCA written exam result. And follow the steps…
- 1st of all visit “http://ntrca.teletalk.com.bd/”
- Then type your exam roll what is given you during applying as a candidate on the roll section.
- Now select the exam name on the type section “17th NTRCA exam result or other types as you are”
- And the last click “submit” option and submit it.
- Then you can see your result and print it directly with connecting a printer.
Besides this, we have shared with you a simple trick…
You have to Go to the NTRC website on the notice board and find out your result. You can go directly by clicking here on the result of the publishing noticeboard.
Via Mobile Phone (SMS)
You can see your NTRCA written exam result 2023 by your mobile without an internet connection. It is so simple and easy for everyone. Just see and follow the method.
You will able to see your NTRCA exam result without visiting the web or your account but it has the main problem. That is you can not download and print your result copy. you can just see. If you can download and print your NTRCA written exam result 2023 for a hard copy please follow the 1st method via internet connection.
BUT we are SORRY that it has no SMS service. If you pass in the NTRCA written exam result, the ntrca authority will send you the congratulation SMS themself.
So don’t worry, if you pass, you will be known by the NTRCA. No need to send SMS, and it is not possible on this exam.
17th NTRCA Written Exam Result 2023 pdf – www.ntrca.teletalk.com.bd
NTRCA written exam result Preliminary Exam Result 2023 pdf is on www.ntrca.teletalk.com.bd with on www.soloware.com. Normally the 17st NTRCA written exam result is published as pdf format in October. At the same time and tradition, we think the NTRCA written exam result 2023 Preliminary Exam Result 2023 also published at that time in 2023.
But it is not quite sure and not right for all time NTRCA circular authority will announce their publish date. probably we guess that the published in October to November 2023. If we find the date we will inform you as soon as possible.
Here we have published the NTRCA written exam result in the pdf file on our web along with the ntrca.teletalk.com.bd. from here you can download the pdf result 2023. So not delay more, visit and download your pdf exam result.
Now to be sure and see your written exam result 2023 click here to know more details.