Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule, Ticket Prices & Off Day

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule, Ticket Prices & Off Day

There are several trains that travel from Dhaka to Chittagong. Some of them are non-stop intercity trains and some of them are mail services. Here we provide the Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule and Ticket Prices with train codes and off-days.

If you are concerned about Dhaka to Chittagong train journey, read the article carefully. In this post, you will get the full information on the Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule and ticket prices as well as intercity trains off day.

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule and Ticket Prices

There are a number of intercity trains that run from Dhaka to Chittagong. These are Mahanagar Express, Sonnar Bangla Express, Turna Express, and others. Check the train list below.

Intercity Trains from Dhaka to Chittagong:

  1. Subarna Express (702)
  2. Mahanagar Provati (704)
  3. Mohanagar Express (722)
  4. Turna Express (742)
  5. Sonar Bangla Express (788)

They provide day and night journeys by turns. Some of them provide the journey six days a week and some of them provide non-stop services a week.

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule

In the below list, you will get the Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule with train codes and off-days. Check the list below.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Mahanagar Provati (704)07:4514:00No
Mahanagar Express (722)21:2004:50Sunday
Turna Express (742)23:3006:20No
Sonar Bangla Express (788)07:0012:15Wednesday
Subarna Express (702)16:3021:50Monday

Dhaka to Chittagong Mail train Schedule

To maintain the Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule, numerous mail train provides services besides the intercity trains. They made a reliable journey on the train route in day and night long.

Here we included the Dhaka to Chittagong Mail train Schedule, which will make your trip comfortable and easier. Check the schedule below.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Chittagong Mail (02)22:3007:25No
Karnaphuli Express (04)08:3018:00No
Chattala Express (64)13:0020:50Tuesday

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Prices

Dhaka to Chittagong Train ticket prices varies from train to train and seat classes. There are various kinds of seat classes available on Dhaka to Chattogram intercity trains. You should know the ticket prices of these trains before booking a train ticket.

Here’s the list of Dhaka to Chittagong Train ticket prices or different intercity trains.

Seat ClassesTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shovon285 Taka
Shovon Chair345 Taka
First Seat460 Taka
First Berth685 Taka
Snigdha656 Taka
AC788 Taka
AC Berth1179 Taka

More Schedules and Ticket Prices

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Booking Online

It’s very important to book a ticket before travels by train. Whether you are a new traveler on the train, now you are looking for Dhaka to Chittagong Train Online Ticket. Here we describe the full process of booking a train e-ticket through Bangladesh Railway.

  1. First, you should visit eticket.gov.bd. Now log in to your existing account or register a new account with your information.
  2. Now select your journey destination on Dhaka to Chattogram route.
  3. Then choose the date from the box
  4. At last, choose your comfortable seat class and click on the search Train button.

Now, you’ll be shown a page with different train names with available seat classes. Here, choose your train and a comfortable seat class for you.

After booking the seat, make your payment through online banking system. like b@Cash, Nogod, Rocket, Nexuspay, and more.

Dhaka to Chittagong train distance

It’s normal to think about the Dhaka to Chittagong train distance before making a tour plan on this route. Let’s discover the distance on the Dhaka to Chittagong train route map below.

Dhaka to Chittagong train Distance is approximately 346 km. There are 5 intercity & 3 mail trains running on this route. They take about 5-7 hours to travel this 346 km (215 miles).


According to the latest and updated information from Bangladesh Railway and Wikipedia, we’ve compiled Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule and Ticket Prices. Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed the post and gathered the necessary information about this train schedule.

Experience an enjoyable journey with this information. Thanks for spending time with us.

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