45th BCS Circular 2022-23 PDF Download BD – www.bpsc.gov.bd
45th BCS Circular 2022-23 PDF Download BD: BCS cadre is the most powerful and top job in Bangladesh. Every people of Bangladesh seems the BCS cadre is the top job and BCS is the award for them. (BCS) Bangladesh Civil Service is under the Bangladesh public service commission (BPSC). BPSC has published the 45th BCS cadre exam circular date and exam date.
The authority of BCS is the Bangladesh public service commission (BPSC). The BPSC control and recruit the BCS cadre circular and exam. When they have a need for government servants on the highest position they arrange the BCE exam under BPSC. The 45th BCS exam is part of them. 45th BCS exam will be held in 2023.
The exam depends on the Bangladesh public service commission BPSC’s decision.
If you think you are eligible for the 1st or 2nd grade job of Bangladesh and you will be fit for this, the seat is yours. BPCS and the government want and look for the honest, obey, active and educated and so on quality on one man or person. That is mean, the want one in all in one candidate.
So the 45th BCS circular has already published and now make powerful candidate and prepares yourself for 45th BCS cadre exam and apply within the last apply date.
45th BCS Circular 2022-23 Published Date
Bangladesh civil service (BCS) circular season 2019 – 2020 is the number of 41 exams of the BCS cadre exam. The Bangladesh government opens a circular in every year generally. in some times they announce for a special BCS cadre examination. Normally it is been only for the health (medical) section that means for MBBS doctors or others.
It probably that the 45th BCS cadre exam 2020 may be held on the march in 2020 or next. whenever The BCS authority will be sure about the circular and published date we will be also quite sure. I hope the will publish the 45th BCS exam circular 2020 in recently on the march to May and it will be held on as soon as possible. To know more updates about 45th BCS cadre circular, be with us.
45th BCS Circular 2023 PDF Download BD – www.bpsc.gov.bd
BPSC is the head controller of the top job exam BCS ( Bangladesh Civil Service). The BPSC publish the all circular and result as pdf file normally. The 45th BCS circular 2023 also has published pdf formate.
To see the 45th BCS circular 2023, you have to download first and then you can see the circular. you also can able to see the circular 2020 of BCS cadre without download the pdf file. But for this, you must visit via computer and after loading the pdf circular you will see the 45th pdf circular.
www.bpsc,gov.bd is the main web site for BCS exam controller and arrangement. BPSC announce and publish the all update about BCS cadre 45th. They already have published the 45th BCS circular 2023 on their page. To download and know in details go here.
How to Apply 45th BCS Circular (step by step)
Now it is so, so easy to apply for BCS by online. For BCS examination the all candidates must apply at the first and then they have to complete all the terms and conditions.
For 45th BCS circular and as well before the exam was the same condition for eligible to the post. To apply in your goal or your dram you need to fill up a form online.
After publishing the circular in the definite time which is limited by the authority you must apply to complete the form and send it to the BPSC website or their link. there is a guideline for how to apply for 45th bcs exam 2020.
Please give your eyes inn the below text one more time to know properly how to you fillup the application form and how to apply and pay your fees by your mobile phone or online. So see the direction steps by steps on how to apply the 45th BCS circular examination.
- First of all, go to the address ” www.bpsc.teletalk.gov.bd “
- Then from the page, select your option which item for you eligible or you want like non-cadre, health, etc.
- Now fill up the personal information and education information in the online form correctly with honest.
- And then upload your photo and signature with conditions required like the photo has to in 300 x 300 pixel size and the signature has to 300 x 80 pixel.
- After completing the form submit it. Be carefully revise it to confirm of your information because after final submission you can not edit or re-correct it.
- And now pay your form fill up fees in your easy way.
- Now you are done and wait for your admit card.
45th BCS Syllabus And Marks Distribution
how to examine you by BPSC? It should be also known by you as an examinee. 45th BCS exam syllabus and marks distribution also important for every candidate. If the syllabus and marks distribution is known, it is been easy to prepare for the exam.
There are all marks distributions and syllabus only for you to prepare you properly and success to rich your goal.
Firstly you have to attend in Preli exam and then if you are able to pass in the Preli exam and make the minimum marks to pass then you are selected for the next written exam. so here your syllabus and read with care and make you for the NO. 1 member of the 45th BCS cadre. So go ahead…
There is your Preli BCS exam syllabus with marks distributions for Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
MCQ for 45th Preli examination
- Bangle Language & Literature: 35
- English Language & Literature: 35
- About Bangladesh: 30
- International Matters: 20
- Environment and Disaster Management & Geography (Bangladesh & World): 10
- General Science: 15
- Computer & Information Technology: 15
- Mathematical Logic: 15
- Conceptual skills: 15
- Ethics, Values and Good Governance: 10
Total: 200 marks for preliminary (MCQ)
In the written section it has two categories. After passing the Preli exam by MCQ method is written has 1100 marks when Preli has 200 marks total.
To go to viva and face the last station or last step to catch your goal you must complete the written exam. so prepare you the most perfectly know the syllabus and marks distribution 45th BCS cadre Preli exam. here are these.
Written For General Cadres:
Name of the subjects and Marks distribution
1. Bangla 200
2. English 200
3. Bangladesh Affairs 200
4. International Affairs 100
5. Mathematical Reasoning & Mental ability 100
6. General Science and Technology 100
Total: 900 marks for written
Written For Professional/Technical Cadres:
Name of the subjects and Marks distribution
1. Bangla 100
2. English 200
3. General Knowledge of Bangladesh Affairs 200
4. General Knowledge International Affairs 100
5. Mathematical Reasoning & Mental ability 100
6. Technology related Subject 200
Total of 900 marks
Viva marks for general and technical cadres:
The BPSC will verify you and check your knowledge with your confidence to find out the right candidate with the viva board. They will verify you by marks. If you can achieve a good marks from there you will succeed. You have to show your eligibility on their eyes and make a chance to get the goal. They the Viva Board will take the viva exam within 200 marks. To get the award you must get a minimum 50% of 200 marks that’s mean 100 out of 200 marks.
We pray for you especially if you can take a chance. May you shine your life by the 45th BCS cadre exam can be a cadre and serve the our lovely country with honesty and successes. Thank you too much for here. Be with us to get more updates and visit the pickingwp.com regularly and find your goals.